A robot to inspect gas and water pipes

Leak inspection Robot used to inspect. Too often, small accidents at home or at work turn into real disasters, with a catastrophic outcome, because of water or gas pipes that are too old, damaged or worn out, which may have leaks invisible even to the most accurate of inspections. This

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Hydrogen fuel cell UAV breaks endurance record

Hydrogen Fuel Cell drone is the future? The US Navy Naval Research Laboratory has just completed the test of a new kind of UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) which, thanks to a battery powered by hydrogen, has been able to fly for 26 full hours without any interruption, while carrying a

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Exploding mines and Peaceful Mind

Exploding Mines and Mr. Hardweister was smiling happily. He was in-charge of a major construction activity that, when completed, would change the traffic scenario of the city. Though the city housed only 3 million people, I couldn’t contain the vehicles flooding and choking the Grant Road that linked city to

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First intercontinental flight of jet man fails

First Intercontinental Flight? A couple of days ago, Swiss adventurer Yves Rossy made an attempt at the firs intercontinental flight on board of a jet pack, that is, a jet propulsion system strapped on a person’s back, which allows men to fly, albeit for a very short range. The attempt

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Don’t miss my Upcoming Movie

Upcoming Movie and a GSM band transmitter, what is the story? Film production is indeed very critical and complicated activity. I realized this while trying to record a film on our handheld camera. Though the recording quality was above average, it couldn’t catch the sounds in the background and at

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Unfaithful husbands, beware of spy mobile phones!

Unfaithful Husbands? During the course of our work, we happen to step into strange cases, and situation weirdly funny if they were not true. Such a case happened recently to a female customer of ours, who was getting increasingly suspicious about her husband and asked for our cooperation. The lady’s

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