Take Up Thy Stethoscope…. and Listen, in secret

Stethoscope? How many times did we find ourselves wishing we could listen to what our colleagues in the next room are saying, to find out what they really think about us? Or that we could spy on our annoying neighbor to expose his strange (or even illegal) habits? In many

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New camouflage suits for the British Army

Camouflage suits? The BBC has reported yesterday that the infantry of Her British Majesty’s Army will be equipped, starting from the month of March 2010, with a new camouflage suit that will replace the one that has been used for more than 40 years without any change. The MTP (Multi

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Target detection via GPS

Target Detection? The British manufacturer BAE Systems has just signed a 42-million dollar deal with the US Ministry of Defense, to supply the US Army with a laser-based target detection system, which also works thanks to GPS technology. How target detection can be done with GPS? This system, which thanks

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How to understand if a mobile phone is bugged

Bugged Mobile Phone? For those running a business where information is vital and it is also vital that the information stays confidential, the risk of being intercepted is always present. Modern technology offers a wide range of possibility to prying ears wishing to secretly listen to someone else’s conversations. How

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Spying a mobile phone

Spying? If you need to be reassured on your wife’s fidelity or want to make sure that a business partner is trustworthy, you might have thought about eavesdropping their conversations; at this point the problem is, how to do it without raising any unnecessary attention. How does spying a mobile

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Electronic voice changers

Electronic Voice Changers? Living in the age of telecommunications and of information accessible to anyone anywhere, means that often we may find ourselves facing unpleasant situations, caused for example by the fact that our phone number may end up in the wrong hands due to the extreme accessibility of data

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Smell Rats? Get the Trap

Smell Rats? Just six months into marriage and Amit had a change of job. The corporate firm was offering a better package and he accepted the offer. This move surprised his wife Neeta. Amit always weighed job satisfaction more than money. He was happy with his current job profile. So,

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Protection from interception, a modern need

Protection from Interception? On Italian newspapers today, wide coverage was given to the news that Carlo De Benedetti, editor of the centre-left newspaper La Repubblica, since long taking a stance on opposite positions compared to the Prime Minister Berlusconi, has found out that some hidden bugs had been planted on

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