When you need a listening bug to listening to what happens inside a room, but you do not have the possibility to gain direct access to this environment to listen with your own ears, you must work to find an alternative. A Listening Bug That Is Uber Powerful This also
Category: Technology
Large technology research sector, in which various technical and scientific disciplines are involved, which studies the application and use of everything that can be functional to the solution of practical problems.
Marital infidelity? The solution is a spy phone
Many of us, at least once in their life, happened to have doubts about the loyalty of their partner, due to strange behavior, suspicious absences, unexpected delays and the like. In many cases, fortunately, a simple talk with your husband or wife may easily chase away these doubts and make
A sensor can sniff explosives better than any dog
Anti-explosive sensor is the future of defence. The recent discovery of explosives on board cargo planes, hidden in shipments originating from Yemen, has once again stressed the need to find a fast and accurate method to detect the presence of professional or homemade bombs on planes and not only. The
Virtual infidelity may cause annulment of marriage
A ruling of the Italian Supreme Court has recently generated widespread discussion, and it could not have been otherwise because it is a unique case: according to the Court, if a spouse theorizes marital infidelity, the marriage can be annulled. How Can You Prevent Marital Infidelity The civil court follows
Hidden microphones for discreet listening
Audio surveillance has taken giant leaps forward over the past decades, for example, with the introduction of GSM bugs, which can transmit their intelligence at an unlimited distance thanks to the built-in SIM card that allows, with a simple phone call, to listen in real time to conversations that take
The listening bug that hides in a computer mouse
A listening bug, yes. When we need to hide something, we often go crazy trying to find a place to hide it where no one can discover it. Sometimes, however, one tends to forget that often the best way to hide something is to put it in full view, right
A bug that starts by itself
Those who work in the surveillance field, such as law enforcement officers and private investigators, know that during an environmental eavesdropping operation, the amount of time occupied by background noises and useless sounds far exceeds that of conversations actually useful to the investigation. Can a Spy GSM Bug Start on
A bug can hide in the power outlet
Think you can work with a power outlet bug? When you think you are safe in a protected environment, you let yourself go, and mistakenly believing belief that no one can hear you, you may end up revealing details which, if heard by someone else, may be highly compromising for
Marital infidelity, the Net is the new frontier
According to statistics, cases of increasing marital infidelity worldwide are on the rise. In fact, according to research from the Italian Association of Matrimonial Lawyers, at least 55% of husbands and 45% of wives have cheated on their spouse at least once. A large chunk of this increase is certainly
Bugs power supply, for long lasting wiretaps
Although the Berlusconi government in Italy, while stumbling from a sex scandal to the next, is trying to put a cap on wiretapping operations, by imposing a time limit, fortunately this investigative tool is still in use without too many restrictions that would only do a favor to criminals and