Discovering and fighting usury with the use of bugs

Usury detection can save you from economic loss. Reading the newspapers in these last months, on a first sight you can easily understand what is going on all over the world: the economic crisis is having devastating consequences on society, of which it is slowly eroding the fabric, making those

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Your routes in a few clicks, with the GPS tracker

The tracker is a small and efficient portable GPS locator that allows you to chart your course anywhere on the Earth. Route Mapping With GPS Tracker This GPS tracker can be easily concealed due to its small size, to a removable magnetic support and to a belt clip, which allow

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Politic repression against the population in Syria: three american companies accused of having provided the Damascus regime tools for wiretapping and monitoring of dissidents

What is the news on Syria Surveillance? United States of America are not only exporting democracy, but also controlling tools sold directly to ‘rogue governments’ and schemes. Of course this practice is not new, but lately it has become a little awkward in the Obama administration. The Situation in Syria and

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A bug to listen through the glass of a window

When you need a listening bug to listening to what happens inside a room, but you do not have the possibility to gain direct access to this environment to listen with your own ears, you must work to find an alternative. A Listening Bug That Is Uber Powerful This also

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Marital infidelity? The solution is a spy phone

Many of us, at least once in their life, happened to have doubts about the loyalty of their partner, due to strange behavior, suspicious absences, unexpected delays and the like. In many cases, fortunately, a simple talk with your husband or wife may easily chase away these doubts and make

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A sensor can sniff explosives better than any dog

Anti-explosive sensor is the future of defence. The recent discovery of explosives on board cargo planes, hidden in shipments originating from Yemen, has once again stressed the need to find a fast and accurate method to detect the presence of professional or homemade bombs on planes and not only. The

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Virtual infidelity may cause annulment of marriage

A ruling of the Italian Supreme Court has recently generated widespread discussion, and it could not have been otherwise because it is a unique case: according to the Court, if a spouse theorizes marital infidelity, the marriage can be annulled. How Can You Prevent Marital Infidelity The civil court follows

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