Who needs a pilot to carry heavy loads?

Pilot to carry heavy loads? Boeing has just completed a run of test flight, to assess the potentials of the new version of their new unmanned helicopter Hummingbird. This new version, named A160T, is capable of carrying a sling payload just below 600 kilos of material, at a distance of

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Spy recording equipment

Spy Recording Equipment? Not only for secret agents, police and secret traders, the usage of electronic miniature devices to secretly record conversations and phone calls is now widespread in many other fields, thanks to the ever decreasing price of this kind of spy recording equipment, which makes it affordable for

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A camera for all seasons, from sports to surveillance

When carrying out undercover or confidential operations, either with police forces or the military, you need to have support from accessories that, along with absolute top-notch performance, can guarantee ease of use and maneuverability, along with total flexibility and the ability to be suitable for a wide range of possible

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A bug inside your ordinary mouse

Mouse spy bug inside your ordinary mouse? When it comes to long distance surveillance, one of the main factors is keeping the operation as secret as it gets, and when you have to use a remote monitoring system, you should try to make them as invisible as possible. How can

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GSM listening devices

GSM listening devices? Long distance listening devices have reached such a level of miniaturization, versatility and reliability that allows anyone who needs to use them to find the right type for his needs, be it law enforcement agencies hunting for criminals, concerned husbands wishing to check on their wives’ fidelity,

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Bug in the Line

Bug? Mr. Mittal couldn’t wait for long to tell his friend and entrepreneur Mr. Maitra about how he plugged the hole in the office telephone line that drained his accounts. Amidst the hustle bustle of weekend party thrown by one of his associates, he cornered Mr. Maitra, a CEO of

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Tap that line and Plug that hole

Line and Plug? “Rupees twelve thousand?” Mr. Mittal almost screamed after seeing telephone bill for the month. His office had two landlines for official communication, though he never restricted his employees from using it for personal reasons. After all communication holds the key to success in business, he believed. “But…

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New analog surveillance cameras with night vision from JVC

Analog Surveillance Cameras? JVC has just announced the launch of four different models of analog cameras for closed circuit surveillance systems, which are capable of working even in extremely low lighting conditions (0.05 lux for color images, 0.006 for black and white), and with an electricity consumption reduced by 40%.

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Mini voice recorder

Mini Voice Recorder? Thanks to the ever-increasing miniaturization in size of technological devices, items that a few years ago would have been used only at home took to the streets and to our offices and became faithful travel companions during our weekend trips or in any leisurely occasion. A typical example

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