A wall is not enough to stop you from listening

Are Smart wall microphones something real? If law enforcement agents should not be able, due to the infamous gag bill being discussed in Italy, to use telephone wiretapping at its best to gather intelligence and evidence against dangerous criminals, they should resort to alternative methods. For example, during an operation

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Spy DVR Glasses

Spy DVR Glasses? How many times did we wish that we could record the images passing before our eyes, either for leisure (like an evening out with friends) or for work 8for example on a confidential meeting) and that we could do it while the people around us are unaware?

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A surveillance camera that writes what it sees

A surveillance cameras which can recognize what they see and understand the possible interactions thanks to visual intelligence. Today we will talk to you about I2T, an acronym for “Image To Text”, that is, a computer-based visual system, developed by UCLA researchers in cooperation with Virginia-based ObjectVideo. The software which

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Your mobile phone might see in the dark

Is a Night Vision Phone Camera a reality? Well, not yet to be honest… but a team of researchers from the University of Florida is working on a research project aimed at the development of a system which might ensure that video and photo cameras mounted on our ordinary mobile

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Spy audio recording devices

Spy Audio Recording Devices? The toolkit of the perfect spy has changed over time, sporting the latest development in miniature technology, be it a fountain pen which hides a gun like in James Bond movies, a micro transmitter concealed in the buckle of what looks like a normal belt, or

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A new surveillance camera can detect even sniper rifles

New Surveillance Camera? When setting up defense and surveillance for protection of sensitive targets such as, for example, embassies, military installations or even any target which might represent a symbolic value for terrorists of any kind, one has to take into consideration not only immediate threats such as suicide bombers

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