Laser microphone for remote listening

As we have seen in a recent article, law enforcement officers working on investigation activities do not always have the chance to come close to their suspects to gather information, install miniature cameras or bugs to eavesdrop on conversations and so forth, to avoid putting their own safety at risk,

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A watch to spy on those around you

A spy watch is the order of the day. Often the best way to hide something is to keep it right in front of others, or if it is a very small object, to hide it in a visible place, where nobody could ever think about looking for it, because

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How to build your listening bug

Listening Bug can be built at home, For those who want to give audio surveillance a try and, despite not having the necessary resources to purchase a complete set of bugging devices and hidden microphones for secret listening, are equipped with a good deal of patience as well as some

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Mini tape recorder, for secret agents and not only

Mini Tape Recorder? Until a few years ago, the common man could rightly think that mini tape recorder were tools that could only be used by secret agents and spies, who were using them to collect evidence against their enemies or criminals; alternatively, they could be seen in the hands

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Spy phones, for an invisible and continuous surveillance

Is continuous surveillance the answer to your worries? Parents concerned for their kids, fearing that they may end up going out with the wrong company, spouses worried over a suspicious absence or behavior by their husbands or wives, businessmen who suspect that some of their staff, agents or business partners

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Recording conversations you from your mobile? Now you can

Recording conversations is legal. If in Italy a great controversy arose from environmental recordings made by a call girl during her encounters with the Prime Minister, which Berlusconi’s press firepower immediately deemed as illegal, in the US, and more specifically in New York State, a Court of Appeal has just

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