Everybody wants drones

In the U.S. everybody wants a drone, many civil administrations have request them. The Federal Aviation Administration is looking for six sites where realize tests to the use of drones (unarmed) in national territory and it has received offers from numerous organizations from 37 states. There isn’t money for the

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The answer to the wiretapping: the Stealth Phone

More and more frequently, on newspapers’ headlines, we can read news about telephone wiretapping of conversations between politicians, business men, public officials and “important” people. Nowadays, anyone who knows even just a little of a person in certain circles risks that his conversations are intercepted. The only solution is the

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The functional clothing: between defense and help

More and more often the clothing assumes functional roles well as aesthetic. Just think of military equipment or articles for extreme sports. A garment that contains both previous examples can surely be the Endoacustica suit with rubber shock  (purchased separately). The fabric that carries the padding, is in lycra, while

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No annoying cell phones, thanks to a handkerchief

For once, since it’s Friday and the weekend is coming, we want to allow us a little “light” diversion, talking about an item which, more than having a true utility function, has a “diplomatic” one, so to speak. How Can a Handkerchief Be a Frequency Jammer? It is called Phone

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Can text messages be intercepted?

Those who fear that their conversations could be intercepted phone, especially if they use the phone to discuss sensitive topics, confidential subjects or matters of a certain financial relevance, sometimes think that, to avoid being tapped, they can use SMS to communicate securely. Unfortunately for them, though, this is not

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Telephone harassment? Use a voice changer

Often, for a woman who lives alone, a call is not necessarily bringing good news or the warm sound of a friendly voice. On the contrary, as we can see from the growing number of telephone harassment and stalking cases anywhere in the world, sometimes at the other end of

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The most secure USB drive in the world

Or at least, if not the most secure USB drive, certainly among the first, and sure enough, a nice bit of trouble for any aspiring hacker who should accidentally run into one of them wishing to find out what it contains. We are talking about the latest release by MXI

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