Protect yourself from illegal cell phone tapping!

If you are used to networking in search of easy solutions against the unauthorized cell phone tapping issue, you may be disappointed. Just like that, because the overwhelming problem of phone privacy, especially that one concerning mobile networks, has long since exceeded the limits, so much to induce public opinion

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Powerful Contactless Card – Prevent Data Theft

If you are used to pay for your purchases with a contactless credit card, be careful: your money could be in a serious danger! The blame is on the new electronic pickpockets of contactless cards, who are skilled in money data theft from wireless card without you noticing it. Does

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The new gadget against aggression

This GPS protection system comes from France, it’s small and discreet. It’s a technological gadget that, connects to the internet, works against aggression. In front of a danger of growing violence and aggression, especially against women, this new technology presents itself as particularly important. An object that you can stick

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