Anti fraud credit cards, with keypad and display

Anti Fraud Credit Cards? A new generation of credit cards is being presented during the Cartes exhibition, currently taking place in Paris, and showcasing the latest technologies and developments in the Digital Security field. The anti fraud credit card, manufactured by Emue Technologies, has the same size of your normal

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Mobile Phone Eavesdropping

Mobile Phone Eavesdropping? To secretly listen to someone’s phone conversations, you do not need to be spies or millionaires, as today’s advancement gives everyone the chance to use devices of a high technological level and low cost, as well as easy to use even for those who are not professionals

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An invisible plane turning into a helicopter

Invisible Plane? According to the latest news from the military supplies world, the British Ministry of Defense is looking for suppliers capable of supplying an UCAV (Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle) similar to a Stealth plane, but also equipped with rotors which make it float like a pilotless helicopter. This prototype

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An invisible earpiece can be used by everyone

An invisible earpiece, just a few years ago we thought that could only be seen in action or spy movies, and that have become widespread, or at least much easier to find on the electronics market, at affordable prices. An example of this kind can surely come from wireless earpieces,

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A GPS navigator for surveys and projects

GPS navigator? Apart from guiding us through cities that we do not know, or taking us to our destination avoiding traffic jams, GPS can do much more, especially if integrated with widely used platforms such as for example Google Earth. An example of this kind comes from CartoGoo, a GPS

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