Stalker, an iPhone app whose name says it all

Suppose a friend asks you to spy her unfaithful boyfriend. Besides having him shadowed and see with your eyes as a witness, you also need to support your claims with evidence, perhaps taking photos without him noticing. Suppose, also, you only have your iPhone and an iphone app with you.

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A new spherical robot for video surveillance.

Remote-controlled unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs) or a robot have proven very useful in military applications, but several industry studies show that they can also be applied to civil security. Ground Surveillance Robot  Tech A good example of these tools is the GroundBot, produced by a Swedish company. Able to roll

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Bulletproof underpants protect your privates.

Soldiers patrolling the streets of Afghanistan on foot usually face a number of dangers that surely they would not find if they were in a tank. One such risk is posed by improvised explosive devices (or IED), which often cause the loss of limbs or damage to the “boy parts”

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Wi-Fi cufflinks for elegant secret agents.

Wi-Fi cufflinks that can do it all. The 007 of modern times, as well as being brave, cunning, sly, must also be high-tech, if you want to keep up with the times and if you do not want to be confined in a film of the Sixties. These Wi-Fi Cufflinks

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