Technologies for surveillance

Mini drones, missiles ultrafast that cross the planet in few minutes, small aerial video surveillance helicopter, sophisticated spy audio devices are some examples of the latest spy technology. These are the most modern technologies in the service of intelligence. To spy are used special spy phones, computers remotely monitored and

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The ideal phone for spies? The Blackberry

Blackberry Spy Phone is in the market for decades. The Federal Information Processing Standard has stated that “The system of the Canadian company is the safest and the most suitable to be used for the exchange and the sharing of confidential material between the Americans agents”. There is no story,

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Hop! the suitcase that follows you

Packing your smart suitcase is always a problem. Weather conditions, formal and informal dresses, comfortable and casual, but also suited to special occasions that may occur…In short, a grind. And what often we create is a baggage too heavy and almost entirely useless. About 25 years ago, a pilot of the

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From lithium to sugar: unveiled the future of batteries

The study is gripping scientists from different years, replace the lithium batteries present in smartphones, laptops, tablets, and numerous electronic devices with sugar batteries. Just like that, it seems that the exposure to very high temperatures generates sugar anodes capable of storing energy for batteries. This would have the 20%

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The electronics could be biodegradable?

Are biodegradable electronics a thing? There is who thinks to save data for millions of years, who instead want to get rid of them as soon as possible. To be precise, they’re hi-tech components very durable and completely biodegradable electronics. The research conducted by the American University of Illinois and

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Even sharks tracked with GPS

Until recently, GPS tracking systems were used for the control of small animals. Now the GPS challenges even the most dangerous animals. Indeed, it is in an experimental phase the scientific mission of the American non profit association, Ocearch, led by Chris Fischer. During the operation, the sharks are caught,

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Samsung patents a “Life Diary”

Did you know that a Samsung Life Diary is being launched. Songs, images, video, texts, movements and everything of personal that can be on our smartphone, captured and shown in a diary self-writing. It’s that the idea behind the patent filed by the Korean giant, Samsung and for which it’s

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The biometric scanners arrive at school

Access control systems that use the biometric scanner is becoming more and more part of institutions and companies because they allow a high degree of safety and the reduction of physical control procedures. From some days, no badge or card for teachers and staff of the high school “Plinio Seniore”

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Place Raider, malware-spy on the smartphone

Place Raider can  seem an application created by expert thieves, but it has been studied at Indiana University and developed at the Naval Surface Warfare Center for scientific purposes. It’s a Trojans, PlaceRaider, which, hiding in photo apps similar to Instagram and Hipstamatic, is able to enter in smartphones, take

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