Deads alive…in the memory with the QR code

Deads alive…in the memory with the QR code

Companion of every moment of daily life, the technology doesn’t abandon us even after the death.

The idea comes from England by Stephen Nimmo, director of the funeral home “Chester Pearce” di Poole, that he thought to enclose the memory of the dead in Death QR Code (Quick Responses Code).

Death QR Code – An Ode To The Memory Of The Dead

Invented in 1994 in Japan and circulated with ever-increasing frequency since 2005 with various uses and purposes, the Death QR Code are a special two-dimensional bar codes that contain within them information intended to be read through the use of a smartphone or other device able to interact with the modules of the square.

The code, place on the gravestone, when is scanned, connect the phone to a web page containing the biography, the pictures and even videos of the deceased.
Friends and close relatives, with passwords, can insert themselves contents and comments, making the memory of the their beloved, interactive and very social.
Those who subscribe the service can create a simple website, with few essential informations, or make it rich and meaningful.
In future, it may become a useful help to try to reconstruct own family tree.

The new system is designed to make known to those who visit the cemetery not only the name, the age and the date of death of who are buried, but a large quantity of informations. QR Codes are engraved on a small plate of granite or metal and then embedded or glued on the gravestones, monuments and commemorative plaques placed on the benches.

The service can cost up to £ 300, in addition to £ 95 for the creation and the hosting (unlimited) of the personal website.

The contents can really be infinite: movies of farewell or greeting, links to Facebook profile, writings and wills. In a not too distant future, it’s thought to a version in augmented reality, “live” thanks to an hologram of the deceased.

Technology doesn’t know more limits: listen through the walls, open locks with our eyes and make revive the loved deceased, until not so long ago, were possibilities related only to the science fiction. It’s in any case essential use properly the new inventions that can help us, especially in the fields of surveillance and security .